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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Below 50 Kilograms Still Maintained

In the past few months, life was not very easy for me. I have had to travel approximately 300 kilometers everyday in bike-train-tram mix to reach work and return home. Luckily, I relocated before August ended and now that I live less than two kilometers away from work, it is a complete change. Yes, a change for a much better life! During those hectic days,my weight would fluctuate largely from 49.3 to 51 kilograms.

Stress propel people to eat, this is for sure and my weight just after eating is quite heavy! Now that I have a lot of time compared before, I am able to do my daily exercises in making my tummy work a bit of muscles. The exercises that I do are very light but I have proven them to be effective, thus I stick on them.

The whole week from September twelve (12) until today, my before and after breakfast weight actually ranges from 49.6 kilograms to 49.8 kilograms! Isn't that fantastic? My weight maintained itself on a below 50 mark! I still aim to be below 49 and I am on a constant zeal to reach it.It is attainable for sure but not very soon I believe. Still,I am happy of how heavy I am now.